When can I change my benefits?
You can make changes to benefits during the Annual Open Enrollment in August. Our plan year runs from October 1 through September 30. No changes are permitted mid-year, unless you (or your dependents) experience a qualifying life event, such as marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, loss or gain of other coverage. You will have 30 days from the date of the event to report the change to the Benefits Department and provide supporting documentation.
How can I check the benefits I am currently enrolled in?
You can review your current elections on our benefits portal - If this is your first time accessing the system, select the “Create an Account” link to begin the process.
- Enter the following required information into the corresponding fields:
- Last Name (All CAPS)
- Date of Birth
- Enter the code shown on the screen in the Security Check field. The code will be different each time. (If you have difficulty reading the code, select the refresh icon to generate a new one)
- Create your Username and Password. An asterisk indicates all required fields. After you enter all required information, please enter your email address and phone number (home/cell).
- Create a Secret Question and Answer. You will be asked to provide multiple questions/answers.
- Select Save.
You can contact the HR Benefits Specialist at extension 1185 or, should you have any questions or run into any issues.
What if I need to take a leave of absence?
If you need to be off of work for longer than 5 work days due to medical reasons, pregnancy or to care for a family member with a serious health condition, please contact the HR Benefits Specialist at extension 1185 to initiate your request for an extended leave. You will be asked to complete a leave of absence request form and provide supporting documentation. If the need for leave is foreseeable, requests for family and medical leaves should be made at least 30 days in advance. If advance notice is not feasible due to unforeseen circumstances, the employee must provide notice of the need for leave as soon as possible and practical.
Am I entitled to Bereavement, and how much?
Yes, all EUSD employees are entitled to bereavement leave up to 3 work days. An employee is entitled to take up to 5 days of bereavement, if they are required to travel to a destination more than 350 miles (one way) from the employee’s residence on the account of death of any member of the immediate family. Members of the immediate family include father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, child, grandchild and foster parent of the employee or of the spouse of the employee; and the spouse, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, of the employee, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee.
How do I check my absence balances (Sick, Vacation, PN, PL)?
You can check your current absence balances by referring to your monthly paystub (in the lower left-hand corner).
To access your paystub, please use the following steps:
- Navigate to
- Select “Staff Resources” tab at the top
- Select “Online Pay Stubs” from the pulldown menu
- User ID: Employee ID #
- Password: 1st four letters of Last name in CAPS and last 4 of SS#
- Look under the Payroll and Compensation quick link, 1st option “View Paycheck”
If you have any additional questions regarding your leave balances, you may contact the Human Resources technicians at either extension 1193 or 1187, or the HR Benefits Specialist at extension 1185.
Do absence balances roll over to the next school year?
Sick and vacation hours roll over from one year to another; however, depending on the amount of hours you work, there is a maximum amount of vacation time (20 days) that can be carried over to the following year. You will be notified by Admin. Services and/or your supervisor, if you have excess balance that should be used before the end of the school year. Please note: Personal Leave days do not roll over and must be used by June 30th of each year.
How do I enter absences?
All absences should be reported on Frontline - If you don’t have a current Frontline Account, please contact our HR Techs to help set up your account or to reset your password. Please note: you only have 24 hours to enter an absence in the system. If you miss this window, you would need to contact your Office Manager/Supervisor for assistance. In addition, scheduled absences cannot be cancelled by employees - please contact your Office Manager/Supervisor and they will be able to help you.
Teachers and Instructional Assistants - Specialized Care Only:
When requesting a substitute for your absence, you must also enter the absence on the North County Coastal Substitute Consortium and select “Yes” under “Substitute Required”. If you don’t have a current Frontline Account on the North County Consortium, please contact Louise Balitaan at
What if I get injured at work?
If you get injured at work, you should immediately report the incident to your supervisor. You will be provided with an “Employee Claim for Workers’ Compensation Benefits” form and will have up to 1 year to complete and return it, should you decide to claim benefits. If medical care is needed and your supervisor is not available, get the treatment necessary and report it to your supervisor at the earliest convenience. If your injury requires medical attention and you have not pre-designated a personal physician, you can visit any of the Concentra locations throughout the San Diego County. In the event of a severe injury, report to the nearest medical facility for treatment. All of the claims should be sent to Athens Administrators - our Workers’ Comp Insurance carrier. Please note: doctors’ letters should be forwarded to the HR Benefits Specialist. You should not return to work unless you’ve been cleared by the medical provider and there are no restrictions.
How do I change my address?
Download Employee Info Change fillable form on EUSD website, Staff Resources, Admin Services Docs. Complete form and submit to HR Techs.
How do I change my address with CALPERS?
When Employee change form is submitted to HR Techs CalPERs is notified by Admin Services.
How do I change my address with CALSTRS?
Address is changed by Member by logging in to your account at
How do I access the CalPERS retirement system?
The CalPERS San Diego Member Service Center is located at 7676 Hazard Center Drive, Suite 350, San Diego, CA 92108
Tel # 800-225-7377
How do I access the CALSTRS retirement system?
The CalSTRS San Diego Member Service Center is located at 9095 San Diego Drive, Suite 350, San Diego, CA 92108
Tel # 800-228-5453
How do I advance on the certificated salary schedule?
Intent to Advance forms are sent to Teachers of Record in March and need to be completed and returned to the Administrative Services Department by May 1st. In order to move Columns, additional units for movement must be completed by September 1, 2021 and official transcripts submitted to the Administrative Services Department by November 1st. Certificated salary increases are reflected in November paychecks and are retroactive to the beginning of the school year.