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Digital Educational Resources

Every student in the Encinitas Union School District is issued an internet-ready iPad that allows every student to access multiple Digital Educational Resources. These resources provide multiple ways for individual students to personalize their learning because not all students are the same. 

Students not only can learn the required grade-level standards, but they can also reach beyond grade-level expectations, research areas of personal interest, and create information that can advance the learning of their peers.

These digital resources provide access to their own school library so the student can reserve their favorite library books to check out from their beloved school librarian. 

The general areas of Digital Educational Resource Categories are:

  • Assess Learning
  • Productivity 
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • History-Social Science 
  • Science
  • Research 

Link to videos on How to Login to our EUSD Digital Programs @ Home

Additional Internet and Research Information


The DESTINY DISCOVER APP is on all of the student iPads and it is powerful! Here is a 4 minute movie introduction to the use of Destiny Discover (Click Here). For use at home use this link if using a home computer – (Click Here)

Family Friendly - They help families make smart TV and internet choices