The Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) is a community of lifelong learners and offers an outstanding opportunity for educators to grow and develop professionally. Whether you’re a recent graduate looking for a first job or an experienced teacher seeking new challenges and opportunities, you will want to consider a career move to the Encinitas Union School District. Our students will test your skills and our community will welcome you. Your compensation and benefits packages will be competitive and you will also find we are extremely supportive. We offer a number of programs designed to help you develop skills and further understand your profession. We are a progressive and academically recognized school district that places children first and invests in its employees.
A top priority for the Encinitas Union School District includes recruiting, hiring and retaining a highly qualified professional staff. As a means of attracting and maintaining the highest level of educators for our students, we offer our employees competitive salaries, excellent benefits and incentives.
Opportunities for professional growth and development as well as career advancement abound in the Encinitas Union School District. EUSD provides:
- NBCT Cohort Programs for Teachers with National University and Cal State University, San Marcos
- On-site and Districtwide Professional Development
- Competitive Employee Benefits
- Comprehensive Health and Wellness Program
- Employment Assistance Program
Click here for current job postings in the Encinitas Union School District.