Policies and Regulations
EUSD Board Policies and Regulations
Board Policies and Regulations are based upon the purposes and goals of the Encinitas Union School District. The role of the Board of Trustees of the Encinitas Union School District is to establish policies, while the role of the administration is to implement those policies through regulations. Policies must be interpreted in accordance with state or federal law or decisions made by courts or other similarly empowered unit of govenment. Whenever inconsistencies may be found, such laws and regulations prevail.
Policies are principles adopted by the Board to chart a course of action. The policies tell what is wanted and may include why and how much. The policies are broad enough to indicate a line of action to be taken by the administration in meeting a number of day-after-day issues. They are to be narrow enough to give the administration clear guidance.
Regulations are detailed instructions usually developed by the administration to put policy into practice. The regulations tell how, by whom, where and when things are to be done. By definition, policies are the actions of the Board while regulations are the actions of the administration undertaken to implement actions of the Board.
Board Policies and Regulation Organization. The policies and regulations of the Encinitas Union School District are divided into nine sections: